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Showing posts with label Lemmas. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Enhance Stem-Based BERT WordPiece Tokenizer

Target audience: Advanced
Estimated reading time: 4'


  • Environments: Java 11, Scala 2.12.11
  • To enhance the readability of the algorithm implementations, we have omitted non-essential code elements like error checking, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and import statements.

One important challenge for any NLP task is to validate parsed words against a vocabulary (set of words or tokens). What happen is a word is not defined in the vocabulary? Is the word valid or a typo? Can it be derived from words in the current vocabulary?
The Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) uses a tokenizer that address this issue.

WordPiece tokenizer

The purpose of the WordPiece tokenizer is to handle out-of-vocabulary words that have not been identified and recorded in the vocabulary. This tokenizer and any of its variant are used in transformer models such as BERT or GPT.

Here are the steps for processing a word using the WordPiece tokenizer, given a vocabulary:

1    Check whether the word is present in our vocabulary

1a  If the word is present in the vocabulary, then use it as a token

1b  If the word is not present in the vocabulary, then split the word 

      into sub-words

2    Check whether the sub-word is present in the vocabulary.

2a  If the sub-word is present in the vocabulary, then use it as a token

2b  If the sub-word is not present in the vocabulary, then split the 


3    Repeat from 2

In the following example, two out of vocabulary words, obomasum and ablasting are matched against a vocabulary. The first word, obomasum is broken into two sub-words which each belong to the vocabulary. ablasting is broken into 3 sub-words for which only blast is found in the vocabulary.

Stem-based variant 

Let's modify the WordPiece tokenizer to leverage stemsStemming is the process of reducing a word to its stem. For instance the words "programmer", "programmers", "programming" and "programs" share the same stem/root, "program".

We can leverage this concept in upgrading the WordPiece tokenizer by building the original vocabulary using stems only.  The vocabulary is created by parsing all words from a large corpus, extracting their stems and populate the vocabulary

Let's re-implement the WordPiece tokenizer using a pre-defined vocabulary of stems

Java implementation

The following implementation in Java can be further generalized by implementing a recursive method to extract a stem from a sub-word.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class StemWordPieceTokenizer {
  private int maxInputChars = 0;
  public StemWordPieceTokenizer(int maxInputChars) {
      this.maxInputChars = maxInputChars;

  List<String> stemTokenizer(String sentence) {
     List<String> outputTokens = new ArrayList<>();
     String[] tokens = sentence.split("\\s+");

     for(String token: tokens) {

         // If the token is too long, ignore it
if(token.length() > maxInputChars) outputTokens.add("[UNK]");

         // If the token belongs to the vocabulary
else if(vocabulary.contains(token)) outputTokens.add(token); else { char[] chars = token.toCharArray(); int start = 0; int end = 0; while(start < chars.length-1) { end = chars.length; while(start < end) { String subToken = token.substring(start, end);

               // If the sub token is found in the vocabulary
if(vocabulary.contains(subToken)) { String prefix = token.substring(0, start);

                   // If the substring prior the token 
                   // is also contained in the vocabulary
if(vocabulary.contains(prefix)) outputTokens.add(prefix);

                   // Otherwise added as a word piece
                   else if(!prefix.isEmpty())
                      outputTokens.add("##" + prefix);
                // Extract the substring after the token
                String suffix = token.substring(end);
                   if(!suffix.isEmpty()) {
                      // If this substring is already in the vocabulary..
if (vocabulary.contains(suffix)) outputTokens.add(suffix); else outputTokens.add("##" + suffix); } end = chars.length; start = end; } } } }

    return outputTokens;


Scala implementation

For good measure, I include a Scala implementation. 

def stemTokenize(sentence: String): List[String] = {

  val outputTokens = ListBuffer[String]()
  val tokens = sentence.trim.split("\\s+")

    token => {
      // If the token is too long, ignore it
       if (token.length > maxInputChars) 
        // If the token belongs to the vocabulary
       else if (vocabulary.contains(token)) 

        // ... otherwise attempts to break it down 
       else {
          val chars = token.toCharArray
          var start = 0
          var end = 0

            // Walks through the token
          while (start < chars.length - 1) {
            end = chars.length

            while (start < end) {
               // extract the stem
              val subToken = token.substring(start, end)
                // If the sub token is found in the vocabulary
              if (vocabulary.contains(subToken)) {
                val prefix = token.substring(0, start)
                // If the substring prior the token 
                // is also contained in the vocabulary
                if (vocabulary.contains(prefix))

                // Otherwise added as a word piece
else if(prefix.nonEmpty) outputTokens.append(s"##$prefix") outputTokens.append(subToken)

                  // Extract the substring after the token
                val suffix = token.substring(end)
                if (suffix.nonEmpty) {
                    // If this substring is already in the vocabulary..
                   if (vocabulary.contains(suffix)) {
                     // otherwise added as a word piece
                   else if(suffix.nonEmpty)
                end = chars.length
                start = chars.length
               end -= 1
           start += 1

Thank you for reading this article. For more information ...

Environments: JDK 11, Scala 2.12.8

Patrick Nicolas has over 25 years of experience in software and data engineering, architecture design and end-to-end deployment and support with extensive knowledge in machine learning. 
He has been director of data engineering at Aideo Technologies since 2017 and he is the author of "Scala for Machine Learning" Packt Publishing ISBN 978-1-78712-238-3