Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Geometric Learning in Python: Vector Operators

Target audience: Beginner
Estimated reading time: 5'
Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are gaining popularity for integrating physical laws into deep learning models. Essential tools like vector operators, including the gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian, are crucial in applying these constraints.

Table of contents

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What you will learn: How to implement the vector gradient, divergence, curl and laplacian operators in Python using SymPy library.

  • Environments: Python  3.10.10,  SymPy 1.12, Matplotlib 3.8.2
  • This article assumes that the reader is familiar with differential and tensor calculus.
  • Source code is available at
  • To enhance the readability of the algorithm implementations, we have omitted non-essential code elements like error checking, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and import statements.


Geometric learning addresses the difficulties of limited data, high-dimensional spaces, and the need for independent representations in the development of sophisticated machine learning models.

Note: This article is the 5th installment in our series on Geometric Learning in Python following
The following description of vector differential operators leverages some of concept defined in the previous articles in the Geometric Learning in Python series and SymPy library.

SymPy is a Python library dedicated to symbolic mathematics. Its implementation is as simple as possible to be comprehensible and easily extensible with support for differential and integral calculus, Matrix operations, algebraic and polynomial equations, differential geometry, probability distributions, 3D plotting. The source code is available at

In tensor calculus, a vector operator is a type of differential operator:
  • The gradient transforms a scalar field into a vector field.
  • The divergence changes a vector field into a scalar field.
  • The curl converts a vector field into another vector field.
  • The laplacian takes a scalar field and yields another scalar field.


Consider a scalar field f in a 3-dimension space. The gradient of this field is defined as the vector of the 3 partial derivatives with respect to xy and z [ref 1].\[\triangledown f= \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} \vec{i} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial y} \vec{j} + \frac{\partial f}{\partial z} \vec{k}\]
We create a class, VectorOperators, that wraps the following operators:  gradient, divergence, curl and laplacian. The constructor initializes the function as an expression for which the various operators are applied to.

class VectorOperators(object):
    def __init__(self, expr: Expr):     # Expression for the input function
        self.expr = expr

    def gradient(self) -> VectorZero:
        from sympy.vector import gradient

        return gradient(self.expr, doit=True)

Let's calculate the gradient vector for the function \[f(x,y,z)=x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2} \] , as depicted in the plot below.

Fig. 1  3D visualization of function f(x,y,z) = x**2 + y**2 + z**2

The Python for the visualization of the function is described in Appendix (Visualization function)

The following code snippet computes the gradient of this function as \[\triangledown f(x,y,z) = 2x.\vec{i} + 2y.\vec{j} + 2y.\vec{k}\] 
r = CoordSys3D('r')
f = r.x*r.x+r.y*r.y+r.z*r.z

vector_operator = VectorOperators(f)
grad_f = vector_operator.gradient()    # 2*r.x + 2*r.y+ 2*r.z

The function f is defined using the default Euclidean coordinates rThe gradient is depicted in the following plot implemented using Matplotlib module. The actual implementation is described in Appendix (Visualization gradient)

Fig. 2  3D visualization of grad_f(x,y,z) = 2x.i + 2y.j + 2z.k


Divergence is a vector operator used to quantify the strength of a vector field's source or sink at a specific point, producing a signed scalar value. When applied to a vector F, comprising components XY, and Z, the divergence operator consistently yields a scalar result [ref 2]\[div(F)=\triangledown .F=\frac{\partial X}{\partial x}+\frac{\partial Y}{\partial y}+\frac{\partial Z}{\partial z}\]
Let's implement the computation of the divergence as method of the class VectorOperators:

def divergence(self, base_vec: Expr) -> VectorZero:
    from sympy.vector import divergence

    div_vec = self.expr*base_vec
    return divergence(div_vec, doit=True)

Using the same instance vector_operators as with the gradient calculation:
divergence = vector_operators.divergence(r.i + r.j + r.k)

The execution of the code above produces the following:\[div(f(x,y,z)[\vec{i} + \vec{j}+ \vec{k}]) = 2x(y+z+xy)\]


In mathematics, the curl operator represents the minute rotational movement of a vector in three-dimensional space. This rotation's direction follows the right-hand rule (aligned with the axis of rotation), while its magnitude is defined by the extent of the rotation [ref 2]. Within a 3D Cartesian system, for a three-dimensional vector F, the curl operator is defined as follows: \[ \triangledown * \mathbf{F}=\left (\frac{\partial F_{z}}{\partial y}- \frac{\partial F_{y}}{\partial z} \right ).\vec{i} + \left (\frac{\partial F_{x}}{\partial z}- \frac{\partial F_{z}}{\partial x} \right ).\vec{j} + \left (\frac{\partial F_{y}}{\partial x}- \frac{\partial F_{x}}{\partial y} \right ).\vec{k} \]. Let's add the curl method to our class VectorOperator as follow:

def curl(self, base_vectors: Expr) -> VectorZero:
    from sympy.vector import curl

    curl_vec = self.expr*base_vectors
    return curl(curl_vec, doit=True)

For the sake of simplicity let's compute the curl along the two base vectors j and k:
curl_f = vector_operator.curl(r.j+r.k)    # j and k direction only

The execution of the curl method outputs: \[curl(f(x,y,z)[\vec{j} + \vec{k}]) = x^{2}\left ( z-y \right).\vec{i}-2xyz.\vec{j}+2xyz.\vec{k}\]


In mathematics, the Laplacian, or Laplace operator, is a differential operator derived from the divergence of the gradient of a scalar function in Euclidean space [ref 3].  The Laplacian is utilized in various fields, including calculating gravitational potentials, solving heat and wave equations, and processing images.
It is a second-order differential operator in n-dimensional Euclidean space and is defined as follows: \[\triangle f= \triangledown ^{2}f=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial x_{i}^2}\]. The implementation of the method laplacian reflects the operator is the divergence (step 2) of the gradient (Step 1)

def laplacian(self) -> VectorZero:
   from sympy.vector import divergence, gradient
   # Step 1 Compute the Gradient vector
   grad_f = self.gradient()
   # Step 2 Apply the divergence to the gradient
   return divergence(grad_f)

Once again we leverage the 3D coordinate system defined in SymPy to specify the two functions for which the laplacian has to be evaluated

r = CoordSys3D('r')
f = r.x*r.x + r.y*r.y + r.z*r.z
vector_operators = VectorOperators(f)
laplace_op = vector_operators.laplacian()
print(laplace_op)       # 6

f = r.x*r.x*r.y*r.y*r.z*r.z  
vector_operators = VectorOperators(f)
laplace_op = vector_operators.laplacian()
print(laplace_op)     # 2*r.x**2*r.y**2 + 2*r.x**2*r.z**2 + 2*r.y**2*r.z**2

Outputs: \[\triangle (x^{2} + y^{2}+z^{2}) = 6\] \[\triangle (x^{2}y^{2}z^{2})=2(x^{2}y^2 +x^{2}z^{2}+y^{2}z^{2}) \]

Patrick Nicolas has over 25 years of experience in software and data engineering, architecture design and end-to-end deployment and support with extensive knowledge in machine learning. 
He has been director of data engineering at Aideo Technologies since 2017 and he is the author of "Scala for Machine Learning", Packt Publishing ISBN 978-1-78712-238-3


Visualization function

The implementation relies on 
  • Numpy meshgrid to setup the axis and values for the x, y and z axes. 
  • Matplotlib scatter method to display the values generated by the function f
The function to plot takes x, y and z grid values and to generate data f(x,y,z)

def show_3D_function(f: Callable[[float, float, float], float], grid_values: np.array) -> NoReturn:
   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
   from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

        # Setup the grid with the appropriate units and boundary
   x, y, z = np.meshgrid(grid_values, grid_values, grid_values)

        # Apply the function f
   data = f(x, y, z)

        # Set up plot (labels, legend,..)
   ax: Axes =  self.__setup_3D_plot('3D Plot f(x,y,z) = x^2 + y^2 + z^2')
        # Display the data along x, y and z using scatter plot
   ax.scatter(x, y, z, c=data)

Visualization gradient

The 3 components of the gradient vector as passed as argument, grad_f.
The implementation relies on 
  • Numpy meshgrid to setup the axis and values for the x, y and z axes. 
  • Matplotlib quiver method to display the gradient vectors at each grid values  
def show_3D_gradient(grad_f: List[Callable[[float], float]], grid_values: np.array) -> NoReturn:
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

        # Setup the grid with the appropriate units and boundary
    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(grid_values, grid_values, grid_values)
    ax = self.__setup_3D_plot('3D Plot Gradient 2x.i + 2y.j + 2z.k')

        # Extract the gradient df/dx, df/dy and df/dz
    X = grad_f[0](x)
    Y = grad_f[1](y)
    Z = grad_f[2](z)

        # Display the gradient vectors as vector fields
    ax.quiver(x, y, z, X, Y, Z, length=1.5, color='grey', normalize=True)

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Vector & Covector Fields in Python

Target audience: Beginner
Estimated reading time: 5'

The use of Riemannian manifolds and topological computing is gaining traction in machine learning circles to surpass the existing constraints of data analysis within Euclidean space. 

This article aims to present one of the fundamental aspects of differential geometry: vector and covector fields.

Table of contents

        SymPy library
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What you will learn: Vector and covector fields in differential geometry applied to machine learning with implementation in 2D and 3D dimensional use cases.

  • Environments: Python  3.10.10 and SymPy 1.12
  • This article assumes that the reader is familiar with differential calculus and basic concept of geometry.
  • Source code is available at
  • To enhance the readability of the algorithm implementations, we have omitted non-essential code elements like error checking, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and import statements.


The heavy dependence on elements from Euclidean space for data analysis and pattern recognition in machine learning might be approaching a threshold. Incorporating differential geometry and Riemannian manifolds has already shown beneficial effects on the accuracy of deep learning models, as well as on reducing their development costs [ref 1]. 

This article is the 4th installment in our series on Geometric Learning in Python following

Differential geometry

Conventional approaches in machine learning, pattern recognition, and data analysis often presuppose that input data can be effectively represented using elements from Euclidean space. Although this assumption has been sufficient for numerous applications in the past, there's a growing awareness among data scientists and engineers that most data in vision and pattern recognition reside in a differential manifold (feature space) that's embedded within the raw data's Euclidean space. 
Leveraging this geometric information can result in a more precise representation of the data's inherent structure, leading to improved algorithms and enhanced performance in real-world applications [ref 2].


SymPy library

SymPy is a Python library dedicated to symbolic mathematics. Its implementation is as simple as possible to be comprehensible and easily extensible. It is licensed under BSD. SymPy supports differential and integral calculus, Matrix operations, algebraic and polynomial equations, differential geometry, probability distributions, 3D plotting and discrete math [ref 3].

Vector vs. vector field

A vector and a vector field are both involving vectors, but they have different meanings:
  • Vector: A vector is a mathematical object that represents a quantity with both magnitude and direction. In physics and geometry, vectors are often represented by arrows, where the length of the arrow corresponds to the magnitude of the vector and the direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the vector. Vectors can exist in various dimensions (such as 2D, 3D, or higher dimensions)
  • Vector FieldA vector field is a function that assigns a vector to each point in each space. In other words, at every point in the space, there is a corresponding vector. Vector fields are used to describe various physical phenomena where vector quantities vary continuously across space. 


Vector fields


In tensor calculus, a vector field refers to the assignment of a vector to every point within a space, typically within Euclidean space. Visualizing a vector field on a plane involves picturing a series of arrows, each representing a vector with specific magnitudes and directions, anchored at individual points across the plane.

Fig 1 Visualization of vector fields on a sphere in 3D space

Let's start with an overview of vector fields as the basis of differential geometry [ref 4]. Consider a three-dimensional Euclidean space characterized by basis vectors {ei} and a vector field V, expressed as  {fi}  =(f, f2, f3 )  . 

Fig. 2 Visualization of a vector field in 3D Euclidean space

The vector field at the point P(x,y,z) is defined as the tuple (f1(x,y,z), f2(x,y,z), f3(x,y,z)). The vector over a field of n dimension field and basis vectors  {ei}  can be formally defined as: \[f: \boldsymbol{x} \,\, \epsilon \,\,\, \mathbb{V} \mapsto \mathbb{R}^{n} \\ f(\mathbf{x})=\sum_{i=1}^{n}{f^{i}}(\mathbf{x}).\mathbf{e}_{i} \ \ \ e_{i}=\frac{\partial }{\partial x^{i}}\]


Example for 2 dimension space: \[f(x,y)=\frac{-y}{\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}} \vec{i} + \frac{x}{\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}} \vec{j} \ \ \ (1) \] Let's carry out the creation of this vector field, f defined in the formula (1) in SymPy and compute its value at f(1.0, 2.0). To begin, we need to establish a 2D coordinate system, denoted as cs, and then express the vector field as the sum of the two base scalar field f1 and f2.

import sympy
import math
from sympy import symbols
from sympy.diffgeom import Manifold, Patch, CoordSystem, BaseScalarField

x, y = symbols('x, y', real=True)
cs= CoordSystem('x y', Patch('P', Manifold('square', 2)))

norm = sympy.sqrt(x*x + y+y)
f1 = BaseScalarField(cs, 0)
f2 = BaseScalarField(cs, 1)
f = -f2/norm + f1/norm
w = f.evalf(subs={x: 1.0, y: 2.0})

The visualization of this 2-dimension field is as follow:
  • Set up the mesh grid
  • Implement the vector field f
  • Display the vector field using the quiver method from Matplotlib module.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Set up the mesh grid
grid_values = np.linspace(-8, 8, 16)
n_x, n_y = np.meshgrid(grid_values, grid_values)

# Define the vector field
np_norm = np.sqrt(n_x**2 + n_y**2)
X = -n_y/np_norm
Y = n_x/np_norm

# Display
plt.quiver(n_x, n_y, X, Y, color='red')

Fig. 3 Visualization of a vector field f(x,y) defined in formula (1)

Example for 3 dimension space: \[f(x,y,z) = (2x+z^{3})\boldsymbol{\mathbf{\overrightarrow{i}}} + (xy+e^{-y}-z^{2})\boldsymbol{\mathbf{\overrightarrow{j}}} + \frac{x^{3}}{y}\boldsymbol{\mathbf{\overrightarrow{k}}} \ \ \ (2) \]  Let's carry out the creation of this vector field, f, in SymPy and compute its value at f(1.0, 2.0, 0.5). To begin, we need to establish a 3D coordinate system, denoted as r, and then express the vector using r.

Note: Contrary to the example with a 2-dimension field which require to define explicitly the coordinate system, this 3D vector field leverage an existing 3D coordinate, CoordSys3D

from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D
from sympy import exp

r = CoordSys3D('r')

f = (2 * r.x + r.z ** 3) * r.i + (r.x * r.y + sympy.exp(-r.y) - r.z ** 2) * r.j + (r.x ** 3 / r.y) * r.k
w = f.evalf(subs={r.x: 1.0, r.y: 2.0, r.z: 0.2})    # 2.008*r.i + 2.09533528323661*r.j + 0.5*r.k

The visualization of the 3-dimension vector field (2) is very similar to the visualization of the 2-dimension field (1).

# Set up a 8 x8 x8  mesh grid
grid_values = np.linspace(0.1, 0.9, 8)
n_x, n_y, n_z = np.meshgrid(grid_values, grid_values, grid_values)

# Implement the 3 components of vector field
#. f = Xi + yJ + Zj
X = 2*n_x+n_z**3
Y = n_x*n_y + np.exp(-n_y) - n_z**2
Z = n_x**3/n_y

# Display the vector field in 3D
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')
ax.quiver(n_x, n_y, n_z, X, Y, Z, length=0.2, color='blue', normalize=True)

Fig. 4 Visualization of a vector field f(x, y, z) defined in formula (2)

Covector fields

Covariant vectors (or tensors) are fundamental concepts in the field of tensor calculus and differential geometry, used to describe geometric and physical entities in a way that is independent of the coordinate system used. \[df: V\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\]
\[f^*: f\rightarrow  df=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^{i}}dx_{i}\] For a co-vector field (or differential form) along a vector v: \[df(\vec{v})=\triangledown f.\vec{v}\]

Let's consider a very simple vector field: \[f(x, y)=x\vec{i} + y\vec{j} \ \ \ (3) \] and co-vector field: \[dx=\frac{1}{n} \ \ dy=\frac{1}{n} \ \ \ n=1,\infty\]
The following code snippet illustrates the vector field and co-vector field for (3).

# Limit values for vector and covector fields
_min = -8
_max = 8

fig, ax = plt.subplots()

# Generate co-vector fields
co_vectors = [{'center': (0.0, 0.0), 'radius': _max*(1.0 - 1.0/n), 'color': 'blue', 'fill': False}
       for n in range(1, 10)]
[plt.gca().add_patch(Circle(circle['center'], circle['radius'], color=circle['color'], fill=circle['fill']))
       for circle in co_vectors]

# Set limits for x and y axes
ax.set_xlim(_min, _max)
ax.set_ylim(_min, _max)
# Set up the grid
grid_values = np.linspace(_min, _max, _max-_min)
x, y = np.meshgrid(grid_values, grid_values)
# Display vector and co-vector fields
plt.quiver(x, y, x, y, color='red')

The vector field is represented by red arrows while the co-vector fields is represented by the blue circle (levels set).

Fig. 5 Visualization of a vector field and co-vector field for f(x, y) = (x, y) 

As depicted in the plot above, vector fields exhibit contravariant behavior, meaning that the field's intensity (represented by arrow size) amplifies as we move away from the origin. Conversely, covector fields demonstrate covariant behavior, resulting in a decrease in the spacing between the field's level sets as we move away from the origin.


[3Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications -  A. I. Borisenko, I. E. Tarapov - Dover Books on Mathenatics Publications 1979 
[4A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors - D. Fleisch - Cambridge University Press - 2008

Patrick Nicolas has over 25 years of experience in software and data engineering, architecture design and end-to-end deployment and support with extensive knowledge in machine learning. 
He has been director of data engineering at Aideo Technologies since 2017 and he is the author of "Scala for Machine Learning", Packt Publishing ISBN 978-1-78712-238-3