Showing posts with label REST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label REST. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Secure ChatGPT API Client in Scala

Target audience: Beginner
Estimated reading time: 3' 

This post introduces the OpenAI ChatGPT API and describes an implementation in Scala for which the API key is encrypted.

       HTTP parameters
       Request body
       Response body

  • The code associated with this article is written using Scala 2.12.15
  • To enhance the readability of the algorithm implementations, we have omitted non-essential code elements like error checking, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and import statements.


The ChatGPT functionality is accessible through a REST API [ref 1]. The client for the HTTP POST can be implemented
  • as an application to generate the request including the JSON content and process the response (Curl, Postman, ...)
  • programmatically by defining the request and response as self-contained data structure (class, data or case class, ...) to manage the remote service.

HTTP parameters

The connectivity parameters for the HTTP post are
  • OPEN_AI_KEY=xxxxx
  • URL= "
  • CONTENT_TYPE="application/json"

Request body

The parameters of the POST content:

  • model: Identifier of the model (i.e. gpt-3.5-turbo)
  • messages: Text of the conversation 
  • user: Identifier for the user
  • roleRole of the user {system|user|assistant}
  • content: Content of the message or request
  • nameName of the author
  • temperature: Hyper-parameter that controls the "creativity" of the language model by adjusting the distribution (softmax) for the prediction of the next word/token. The higher the value (> 0) the more diverse the prediction (default: 0)
  • top_p: Sample the tokens with top_p probability. It is an alternative to temperature (default: 1)
  • n: Number of solutions/predictions (default 1)
  • max_tokens: Limit the number of tokens used in the response (default: Infinity)
  • presence_penalty: Penalize new tokens which appear in the text so far if positive. A higher value favors most recent topics (default: 0)
  • frequency_penalty: Penalize new tokens which appear in the text with higher frequency if the value is positive (default: 0)
  • logit_bias: Map specific tokens to the likelihood of their appearance in the message

Note: Hyper-parameters in red are mandatory

Response body

  • id: Conversation identifier
  • object: Payload of the response
  • created: Creation date
  • usage.prompt_tokens:  Number of tokens used in the prompt
  • usage.completion_tokens: Number of tokens used in the completion
  • usage.total_tokens Total number of tokens
  • choices
  • choices.message.role Role used in the request
  • choices.message.content Response content
  • choices.finish_reason Description of the state of completion of the request.

Scala client

The first step in implementing the client to ChatGPT API is to define the POST request and response data structure. We define two types of requests
  • Simple user request, ChatGPTUserRequest 
  • Request with model hyper-parameters ChatGPTDevRequest which includes most of the parameters defined in the introduction.
We will be using the Apache Jackson serialization/deserialization library [ref 2to convert request structure to JSON and JSON response into response object.
The handle to the serialization/deserialization, mapper, is defined and configured in the singleton ChatGPTRequest
The toJson method convert any chatGPT request into a JSON string that is then converted into an array of bytes in method toJsonBytes

trait ChatGPTRequest {
   import ChatGPTRequest._ 
   def toJson: String = mapper.writeValueAsString(this)
   def toJsonBytes: Array[Byte] = toJson.getBytes

object ChatGPTRequest {
        // Instantiate a singleton for the Jackson serializer/deserializer
    val mapper = JsonMapper.builder().addModule(DefaultScalaModule).build()
    mapper.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)

The basic end user and comprehensive request structure implement the request parameters defined in the first section.
case class ChatGPTMessage(role: String, content)

case class ChatGPTUserRequest(model: String, messages: Seq[ChatGPTMessage]) 
      extends ChatGPTRequest

case class ChatGPTDevRequest(
    model: String,
    user: String,
    prompt: String,
    temperature: Double,
    max_tokens: Int,
    top_p: Int = 1,
    n: Int = 1,
    presence_penalty: Int = 0,
    frequency_penalty: Int = 1) extends ChatGPTRequest

The response, ChatGPTResponse reflects the REST API specification described in the first section. These classes have to be implemented as case classes to support serialization of object through the class loader.

case class ChatGPTChoice(
   message: ChatGPTMessage, 
   index: Int, 
   finish_reason: String)

case class ChatGPTUsage(
   prompt_tokens: Int, 
   completion_tokens: Int, 
   total_tokens: Int)

case class ChatGPTResponse(
    id: String,  
    `object`: String,
    created: Long,
    model: String,
    choices: Seq[ChatGPTChoice],
    usage: ChatGPTUsage)

For convenience we implemented two constructors for the ChatGPTClient class
  • A fully defined constructor taking 3 arguments: complete request url, timeout and an encrypted API key, encryptedAPIKey
  • A simplified constructor with JSON timeout and encryptedAPIKey  as arguments.
The connection is implemented by the HttpURLConnection java class and use an encrypted API key. The secure access to the ChatGPT service is defined by the authorization property. 
The request implementing the ChatGPTRequest trait is converted into bytes, pushed into the outputStream. In our example, we just throw an IllegalStateException exception in case the HTTP error code is not 200. A recovery handler  (httpCode: Int) => ChatGPTRequest would be more useful.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.json.JsonMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationFeature
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import{BufferedReader, InputStreamReader, OutputStream}
import{HttpURLConnection, URL}

class ChatGPTClient(
   url: String, 
   timeout: Int,
   encryptedAPIKey: String
) {
   import ChatGPTClient._

  def apply(chatGPTRequest: ChatGPTRequest): Option[ChatGPTResponse] = {
     var outputStream: Option[OutputStream] = None

     try {
          apiKey => {
            // Create and initialize the HTTP connection
            val connection = new URL(url).openConnection.asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
            connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", s"Bearer $apiKey")

            // Write into the connection output stream
            outputStream = Some(connection.getOutputStream)

               // If request failed.... just throw an exception for now.
            if(connection.getResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK)
              throw new IllegalStateException(
                   s"Request failed with HTTP code ${connection.getResponseCode}"

             // Retrieve the JSON string from the connection input stream
            val out = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connection.getInputStream))
                .reduce(_ + _)
            // Instantiate the response from the Chat GPT output
    catch {
      case e: =>
      case e: IllegalStateException =>
    finally {
      outputStream.foreach(os => {

The request/response to/from ChatGPT service is implemented by the method apply which returns an optional ChatGPTResponse if successful, None otherwise

val model = "text-davinci-003"
val user = "system"
val encryptedAPIKey = "8df109aed"
val prompt = "What is the color of the moon"
val timeout = 200
val request = ChatGPTUserRequest(model, user, prompt)
// Simply instantiate, invoke ChatGPT and print its output
val chatGPTClient = ChatGPTClient(timeout, encryptedAPIKey)

with the following output....
The color of the moon is typically described as a pale gray or white. However, the appearance of the moon's color can vary depending on various factors such as atmospheric conditions, the moon's position in the sky,...

A simple encryption..

As mentioned in the introduction, a simple and easy way to secure access any remote service is to encrypt credentials such as password, they do not appear in clear text in configuration, properties files, docker files or source code.
Encryption is the process of applying a key to plain text that transforms that plain text into unintelligible (cipher) text. Only programs with the key to turn the cipher text back to original text can decrypt the protected information.
The javax.crypto java package [ref 3] provides developers with classes, interfaces and algorithms for cryptography.

Our code snippet relies on a cypher with a basic AES encryption scheme. The Apache commons code package is used to implement the base 64 encoder.
The method apply, in the following code snippet, initializes the cypher in encryption model to encrypt the raw API key prior its encoding in base64.

import javax.crypto.spec.{IvParameterSpec, SecretKeySpec}
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.{decodeBase64, encodeBase64String}

  // Define the parameter of the cypher using AES encoding schemer
final val AesLabel = "AES"
final val EncodingScheme = "UTF-8"
final val key = "aesEncryptorABCD"
final val initVector = "aesInitVectorABC"

  // Instantiate the Cypherr
val iv = new IvParameterSpec(initVector.getBytes(EncodingScheme))
val keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(), AesLabel)
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding")

   * Encrypt a string or content using AES and Base64 bytes representation
   * @param credential String to be encrypted
   * @return Optional encrypted string
def apply(clearCredential: String): Option[String] =  {
   cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, keySpec, iv)

   val encrypted = cipher.doFinal(clearCredential.getBytes)

The decryption method, unapply, reverses the steps used in the encryption
  1. initialize the cipher in decryption model
  2. decode encrypted API key 
  3. apply the cipher (doFinal)
def unapply(encryptedCredential: String): Option[String] = {
   cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keySpec, iv)
   val decrypted = cipher.doFinal(decodeBase64(encryptedCredential)
   Some(new String(decrypted))

Thank you for reading this article. For more information ...


Environments: Scala 2.12.15,   JDK 11,  Apache Commons Text 1.9,  FasterXML Jackson 2.13.1

Patrick Nicolas has over 25 years of experience in software and data engineering, architecture design and end-to-end deployment and support with extensive knowledge in machine learning. 
He has been director of data engineering at Aideo Technologies since 2017 and he is the author of "Scala for Machine Learning" Packt Publishing ISBN 978-1-78712-238-3

Sunday, April 7, 2013

OAuth-2 for Social Media in Java

Target audience: Intermediate
Estimated reading time: 4'

Table of contents
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This post describes some basic implementation of OAuth-2 for applications known as 3-legged OAuth-2 protocol. We use Facebook and Twitter API to illustrate the basic use case for OAuth-2.  We assume the reader is familiar with the basic of Authentication (Basic, OAuth-2) and knowledgeable in Java programming.

In a 3-legged OAuth-2 protocol, users authorize an application to access the provider of services or resources. The consumer application exercises the API of the service provider on the behalf of the user by using a consumer key and secret granted by the provider.

The protocol for the application to access the protected services and resources is
  1. Application developer requests privilege to access protected resources on the behalf of the user
  2. The provider grant access to the application by supplying a consumer key and secret
  3. The application developer retrieve the authentication token using the consumer key and secret
  4. The provider generates the authentication token
  5. The application retrieves the session token (key and secret) using the authentication token
  6. The session token is used as argument to any request to the provider API (i.e. REST GET, POST,..)


As expected access to the Facebook API relies on the consumer key, API_KEY (line 4) and secret key API_SECRET (line 5) to generate the authentication token.
The URL for the Facebook end-point (line 2) is defined as a constant. A well-thought implementation would defines these constants in a configuration file as there are no guarantee that Facebook will not change the URL end-point in the future.

The purpose of the constructor (line 11 - 14) is to instantiate the JSON rest client with or without the session key whenever available.
Any security mechanism relies on:
  • Authentication: authenticate (line 19)
  • Authorization: authorize (line 20)
public final class FacebookAuth {
  final static String OAUTH_URL =
  final static String API_KEY = "apikey";
  protected final static String API_SECRET = "apisecret";
  static String apiKeyValue = getKeyValue();
  static String apiSecretValue = getSecretValue();
  JsonRestClient _client = null;
  public FacebookAuth(final String sessionKey) {
    _client = (sessionKey == null) ?
    new JsonRestClient(apiKeyValue, apiSecretValue) :
    new JsonRestClient(apiKeyValue, apiSecretValue, sessionKey); 
    // Authenticate the client as a desktop application client 
    // using the token generated from the consumer key and secret.
  public String authenticate() { ... }
  public String[] authorize(final String authToken) { .. }

The JSON REST authentication consists of creating an authentication token for the session and generate the authenticated end-point url to process the request.
The helper methods and validations of arguments of methods have been removed for the sake of clarity

public String authenticate() {
  String url = null;
  boolean isDesktop = _client.isDesktop();
  try {
    String token = _client.auth_createToken();
    url = new StringBuilder(OAUTH_URL)
         .append("&req_perms=status_update, read_stream,publish_stream") 
  catch( FacebookException e) { ... }
  return url;

The authorization step authorize uses the authentication token authToken to retrieve the key of the current session sessionKey. The secret key for the session sessionSecret is retrieved by the JSON client, through the invocation of the method getSecret.

public String[] authorize(final String authToken) {
  String[] results = null;
  try {
    String sessionKey = _client.auth_getSession(authToken,true );
    String sessionSecret = _client.getSecret();
    results = new String[] { sessionKey, sessionSecret };
  catch( FacebookException e) { ...}
  return results;


The Twitter OAuth-2 API is very similar to the Facebook Authentication API. The client application maintains the handle to the authentication services as defined by its consumer key and secret, which are stored by the application. As we cannot assume that there is only one request tokens supplied by the service provider, those tokens are cached as key value pair in requestTokenCache (line 5).
The constructor retrieves the consumer key consumerKey (line 10) and the consumer secrete consumerSecret (line 11).

public final class TwitterAuth  {
  public static final String OAUTH_URL =
  private static Map<String, String> twitterOath = null;
  private static Map<String, RequestToken> requestTokenCache 
                          = new HashMap<String, RequestToken>();
  private Twitter _twitter = null;
  public CTwitterAuth() {
    String consumerKey = twitterOath.get("oauth.consumerKey");
    String consumerSecret = twitterOath.get("oauth.consumerSecret");
    _twitter = new TwitterFactory()
         .getOAuthAuthorizedInstance(consumerKey, consumerSecret);

  public String authenticate(final String user) 
  public String[] authorize(
                   final String user, 
                   final String auth_token

The implementation of the authentication through the method authenticate extracts the requestToken. If it exits, the request token is used to retrieve the URL for the Twitter authorization end point twitterAuthURL.
Finally, the request token associated to this specific user is cached.

 public String authenticate(final String user) {
   String twitterAuthURL = null;
   try {
     RequestToken requestToken =

     if( requestToken != null) {
       twitterAuthURL = requestToken.getAuthorizationURL();
       requestTokenCache.put(user, requestToken);
  catch( TwitterException e) {  .... }
  return twitterAuthURL;

The authorization accesses the request token associated to this user and retrieve the access token accessToken. The access token is very similar to the session token available in the Facebook API and contains the token and its secret, and wrapped into the array tokenStr

public String[] authorize(
   final String user, 
   final String auth_token) {
  String[] tokenStr = null;
  try {
    RequestToken requestToken  = requestTokenCache.get(user);
    if( requestToken != null) {
       AccessToken accessToken =
       tokenStr = new String[]  { 
       if( requestTokenCache.remove(user) == null ) {
        logger.error("can't remove user from auth. cache");
  catch(TwitterException e) {  ... }
  return tokenStr;

Although the OAUTH-2 standard is well-defined, the social network providers update their API regularly. Versioning of REST API (resource, actions..) remains challenging so there is no guarantee that new API introduced by the provider is backward compatible with the existing client code. Therefore there is no guarantee that the authentication code for Facebook and Twitter REST API is still valid at the time you read this post. However, the concept and generic implementation of the OAUTH-2 protocol, described in the post should be easily portable to any new API or other social network provider.

This implementation lists the authentication URL and REST end-point available at the time of this post. These parameters are very likely subjected to changes by Facebook and Twitter.
