Monday, August 12, 2013

Performance of Scala iterators

Target audience: Beginner


The Scala programming language provides software developers with several options to iterate through the elements of a collection:
  • for,while loops and foreach ( x => f(x)) higher order function.
  • map[Y] { f: X => Y) : Collection[Y] that creates a new collection by applying a function f to each element of the collection
  • foldLeft[Y] (y : Y)(f : (Y,X)=>Y) : Y) (resp. foldRight[Y] (y : Y)(f : (X,Y)=>Y) : Y) that applies a binary operator to each element of this collection starting left to right (resp. right to left)

This post attempts to quantify the overhead of the most commonly used iterative methods in Scala and demonstrate the effectiveness of the higher order methods map and foldLeft.

Scala loops for summation

The test runs are executed on a 'plain vanilla' dual core i3 2.1 Ghz running Linux CentOs 6.0. The first test consists of comparing compare the performance of the different options to traverse an array of Float with size varies from 2,000,000 to 40,000,000 elements then apply an operation += z to each of its members. The options are 
  foreach   (line 6)
  for loop  (line 9)
  while loop (lines 14 - 16)
  foldLeft   (line 19)
val rGen = new scala.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis)
var data = Array.fill(size)(rGen.nextFloat)
var sum = 0.0

  // Higher order method
data.foreach(sum += _)

  // for loop
for( x <- data) sum += x

  // while loop
var k = 0
val len = data.size
while( k < len) {
  sum += data(k)
  k += 1
   // fold
sum = data.foldLeft(0.0)((x, z) => x + z)

The test is repeated 25 times in order to reduce variance and noise generated by the garbage collector. The first 5 iterations are discarded to avoid the overhead of the initialization of the JVM. The mean value of the execution time for each method is computed for different size of an array from 2,000,000 to 40,000,000 floating point values (type Float). The results of the test are plotted in the graph below. The unit of time on the Y-coordinate is milliseconds.

The for, while and foreach expression have very similar performance.
The foldLeft is significantly faster (ratio 1:6)

Data transformation

The second test consists of comparing the performance of
  • foreach: "fills-up" iteratively a mutable array of type ArrayBuffer (line 3)
  • foreach: creates and updates a copy of the original array (immutable approach)(lines 7 & 8)
  • map: transform the original array into an array of square values (line 11)
   // foreach with mutable array buffer
val newData = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[Float]
data.foreach( (x: Float) => newData.append(x *x))
val result = newData.toArray

  // foreach with update of immmutable array
val pData = Array.fill(sz)(0.0)
data.foreach( pData.update(i, _) )

  // map
val nData = => x*x)

Let's run the same test (with the same setup defined in the previous section).

The test shows that the method dedicated to convert an array to other array by applying a natural transformation, map is by far the most efficient.
The methods dedicated to a specific task such as foldLeft for summation and map for data transformation are far more effective that the "plain vanilla" loop constructors. The tests are conducted with Scala 2.10.2

Important Notes:
The syntax or construct for has a very different meaning in Scala as in C or Java. It is actually a wrapper or syntactic sugar layer around the monadic chain of flatMap and map transformation as follows

  for (
      a <- f(x)  // flatMap
      b <- g(a)  // flatMap
      c <- h(b)  // map
  ) yield { }
A more elaborate and time consuming benchmark would consist of running multiple tests using several boolean (< !=..) and numeric (+, *, x => sin(x) ..) operators and computes the normalize mean and variance.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Scala's Share-Nothing actors

Target audience: Advanced
Estimated reading time: 6'


Even with the introduction of executor service and java.util.concurrent high level of abstraction in Java 1.5, programmers have found quite difficult to build reliable multi-threaded applications that shared data and locks It is quite common for less experienced developers to either over-synchronize data access and create deadlocks or allow race conditions and transition the application to an inconsistent state.

Scala's actors is a share-nothing, message passing model. At its core, an actor is a 'thread' with a mailbox to receive and respond to messages. Actors are sub-classes of scala.actors.Actor. The two main methods create an actor are:
  • act: implements the co-routine that correspond to the execution of the thread, similar to in Java.

  • react: process the messages sent by other actors and queued in the mailbox. The method react does not return (non blocking) when receiving and processing a message or request. There are two approach to exit a processing of messages: call exit or call act again with an exit condition being true
Note: The implementation described in this post relies on Scala 2.0 and is not guarantee to compile and execute as expected in the future version of the language. 

Workers ...

The example below describes a master actor (managing task) that creates and manages slave actors (or worker tasks). In order to avoid race condition and adding a lock, the reference newParent to master actor is sent to each slave actor (line 10) through the message passing mechanism react (lines 9 - 13). 
The slave Actor class implements a task for numIters executions of a specific process (line 15). The only way to exit the react loop is to call once again and exit on the condition parent != null (line 9). The computation method process to be executed by those slaves is an attribute of the slave (line 4).
Finally, the slave actor sends a message to its parent that its task is completed (line 17).

class WorkerActor(
  numIters: Int = 25000, 
  message: String,
  process: (Int) =>(Double)) extends Actor {
  def act {
    var parent: Actor = null
    while( parent == null) {
      react {
        case (msg: String, newParent: Actor) => 
           parent = newParent

    parent ! "DONE"

... and master

The Master task or actor is responsible to launches then control slave actors. Once a worker actor is completed, it notifies the master through a message 'DONE' (line 15). The master actor starts all the worker tasks (line 7) and sends a non-blocking message, Activate (line 8).
Upon receiving the message DONE (line 15), the master actor decrements the reference count of the worker actor currently active as soon as one completes its execution (line 16). The master ultimately exits when the last worker completes its task and ultimately exits (
reference counter == 0) (line 17).

class MasterActor(
  slaveActors: List[WorkerActor]) extends Actor {
  def act() {
   for( workerActor <- workerActors) {
     workerActor ! ("Activate", this)
   var refCounter = workerActors.size-1
   loop  {
      react {       
        case "DONE" => {
          refCounter -= 1
          if(refCounter == 0) 
        case _ =>  { println("Incorrect message") }

The main routine, ActorsTest.main, creates the worker which are launched by the master actor that acts as the managing task. The worker tasks execute a local function, waveSum, defined in real-time. This approach is an alternative to the most traditional functional futures.

object ActorsTest extends App {
   val nOfWorkers = 10
   val numIters = 1250000
   val eps = 0.0001
   // Arbitrary method to simulate load on the CPU cores
   def waveSum(numIters: Int): Double =
     (0 until numIters)./:(0.0)(
       (s,i)=> s+Math.exp(Math.sin(i*eps)
      // Create the worker tasks, then ...
   val workers = (0 until nOfWorker)./:(List[WorkerActor]())(
    (xs, i)=> new WorkerActor(numIters, i.toString, waveSum) :: xs
   new MasterActor(sworkers).start


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Don't Fear the Monad: Scala

Target audience: Advanced
Estimated reading time: 6'

In the initial part of our series on monads, Don't fear the Monad: Theory we explored the fundamental elements of category theory, including functors, monads, and natural transformations. This post now delves into their practical implementation in Scala.

Table of contents
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Note: To enhance the clarity of algorithm implementation, we've omitted non-essential code such as error checks, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and imports.


I assume that the reader is familiar with the theory behind Functors & Monads. If not, one of my  older posts, Don't fear the monad: Theory  should provide you with some understanding of those concepts.

In the previous post we introduced a Monad as a structure or triple M = <T,eta,mu> on a category X consists of
  - A map: applicative functor from category X to category Y)   T : X->Y
  - A unit: natural transformation  eta: 1 -> T
  - A join: multiplication or natural transformation mu: T*T -> T

Let's implement these monadic operators in Scala for some collections.

trait Monad[M[_]]  {
   def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): M[X] => M[Y]
   def unit[X](x: X): M[X]
   def join[X](mu: M[M[X]]): M[X] 

The map method implements the natural transformation, phi. The unit method create a target category from an element (i.e. Double -> List[Double]). The join method enforces the mu natural transformation.

Monads and Collections

Let's use the list structure introduced in the post related to the theory of Monads (Don't fear the monad: Theory). 

val monadList = new Monad[List] {
    override def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): List[X] => List[Y]= 
        (xs: List[X]) =>
    override def unit[X](x: X): List[X] = x :: Nil
    override def join[X](xs: List[List[X]]): List[X] = xs.flatten

The class Monad[List] is a wrapper around the List Monad. Therefore it is easy to implement all those 3 methods using the method of scala.collection.immutable.List class:
  • map: build a new list by applying the function f to all elements of the original list: x -> x*x => List(.. x ..) -> List( .. x*x ...) 
  • :: nil: create a single element list 
  •  flatten: Converts this list of lists into a List formed by concatenating the element of all the contained lists.
Let's consider X, Y be the category (or type) Int. The Monad can be applied to list of Integers 

val xs = Int) => n * n)
xs(List(4, 11, 6)).foreach( println ) 
val xss : List[List[Int]] = List( List(3,5,6), List(11,34,12,66))
monadList.join[Int](xss).foreach ( println)

In the example above, the execution of the first foreach method will print '16, 121, 36' while the second foreach invocation generate the sequence '3,5,6,11,34,12,66'.
The same methodology is applied to immutable sequences by implementing the generic Monad trait.

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

class MonadSeq[Y] extends Monad[Seq] { 
    override def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): Seq[X] => Seq[Y] = 
        (_x: Seq[X]) =>
    override def unit[X](x: X): Seq[X] = Seq[X](x)
    override def join[X](__x: Seq[Seq[X]]): Seq[X] = __x.flatten

The implementation of the monad for immutable sequence is very similar to the monad for immutable lists: the map method relies on the method and the join method flattens a 2-dimensional sequence into a single sequence


The Scala standard libraries uses monads for collections, options and exceptions handling. The standard library uses a slightly different but equivalent methods to implement the three basic functionality of a monad.
  • apply instead of unit
  • flatMap uses the transformation f: T -> M[T] instead of the "flattening" join
trait _Monad[M[_]] {
   def map[T, U](m: M[T])(f: T =>U): M[U] = flatMap(m)((t: T) => apply(f(t)))
   def apply[T](t: T): M[T]
   def flatMap[T, U](m: M[T])(f: T =>M[U]): M[U] 

Let's use the Monad template above, to create a monad for time series. A time series of type TS is defined as a sequence of indexed observations (Obs. An observation has an index (or sequence ordering) and a value of type T.
The monad can be defined as an implicit class.

case class Obs[T](val t: Int, val features: T)
case class TS[T](val data: List[Obs[T]])

implicit class TS2Monad[T](ts: TS[T]) { 
   def apply(t: T): TS[T] = TS[T](List[Obs[T]](Obs[T](0, t)))
   def map[U](f: T => U): TS[U] = 
       TS[U]( => Obs[U](obs.t, f(obs.features))))
   def flatMap[U](f: T =>TS[U]): TS[U] = 
      TS[U]( ( => f(obs.features).data)).flatten)

The monad is ready for transforming time series by applying the implicit conversion of a time series of type TS to its monadic representation.

val obsList = List.tabulate(10)(new Obs(_, Random.nextDouble))
val ts = new TS[Double](obsList)
import _Monad._
val newTs = _*2.0)


Like many other functional languages, Scala embellish the syntax (sugar coated) . The Scala language combines join and unit methods to produce the Monad external shape method map and flatMap method as defined as
def map(f: A => B): M[B] 
def flatMap(f: A => M[B]): M[B]

  • map applies a natural transformation of the content structure
  • flatMap composes the Monad with an operation f to generate another Monad instance of the same type.
The syntax to implement the following sequence of operations of concatenation of 3 arrays can be expressed using the methods map -> flatMap associated with the Scala collections (List, Array, Map...) 

val sum2 = array1 flatMap { x => 
    array2 flatMap { y =>
       array3 map { z => x+y+z } 

or using the for-yield idiom, which is easier to write and understand.

val sum : Array[Int] = for { 
   x <- array1
   y <- array2
   z <- array3
} yield x+y+


Sunday, May 19, 2013

Effective Time Management

Target audience: Beginner
Estimated reading time: 3'

Table of contents


Each team member to contribute to the extend of his/her capability during the work week. 
The two key elements of an effective time management are:
  • Flexibility: Team members should be able to work multiple tasks, change roles and get around bottlenecks. 
  • Availability:  Team members should support other team members, constantly evaluate the efficient usage of their time and be accessible outside business hours if necessary. 

Effective meetings

There are some basic no "non-sense" rules to make sure that meetings are conducted efficiently.
  • Each meeting should have a clear theme and agenda, emailed to all attendees 48 hours prior the schedule day 
  • Meeting should be restricted to one hour and start with a recap of pending action items for previous sessions and listing the issues on the agenda. 
  • The team should spend no more than 10' on each issue. In case a consensus is not reached, someone  should be assigned to task to research, investigate and propose a solution for the next meeting. 
  • It is highly recommended to deal with critical or controversial issues at the beginning of the meeting. 
  • Minutes of the meeting, including action items, deliverable and milestones should be posted within 24 hours.  

Urgent vs. important tasks  

The most productive tasks are (in decreasing orders)
     1. Important & Non urgent
     2. Important &Urgent
     3. Non important & Urgent
     4. Non important & Non urgent

The following table lists some activities as classified by their importance and urgency.

.UrgentNot Urgent
Important Escalations
Resolving bottlenecks
Assigning Defects
Solving Escalations
Project Planning
Technical investigation   
Unimportant    Time-sensitive interruptions    
Responding emails
Phone Calls
Unscheduled meetings
Browsing web
Social visits

The role of project manager is to
- Protect engineers from urgency & interruptions
- Define/communicate the important tasks for the week

Time wasters   

Unscheduled interruptions are far more distracting than people. Beyond the actual time spent to address the interruption, it takes on average 15 minutes to get back to the activity in progress.
The following table lists some examples of interruptions or time wasters and possible solutions.

Wasters Solutions
Lack of clear prioritiesBetter project management
Unproductive meetingsMeetings with goal,agenda,minutes
Productivity bottlenecksFlexible organization in terms of skills,schedule
Unnecessary interruptions        Manager to control interruptions
Process inefficienciesProcess automation and productivity tools
Lack of accountabilityQuantitative metrics (K.P.I.) functionality,quality,schedule
