Showing posts with label Monad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monad. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2013

Performance of Error Handling in Scala

Target audience: Beginner
Estimated reading time: 4'

Table of contents
       Positive test
       Negative test
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The Scala programming language supports three different approaches to handle errors.
  • Error codes
  • Exceptions
  • Option monadic pattern
The Java and C++ programmers are familiar with the first 2 approaches. Scala introduces the Option type which is defined as a Monad.
Let's take a simple example; computation of the function sin(sqrt(x).
The client code unwraps the return type, Option[Double] to handle the error.

def sqrt(x: Double): Option[Double] = {
  if(x < 0.0) None
  else Some(Math.sqrt(x))

sqrt(a) match {
  case Some(a) => Math.sin(a)
  case None => Console.println(s"argument $a < 0.0")

An alternative is to use a default value with getOrElse in case or failure.

sqrt(a).map( Math.sin(_) ).getOrElse {s"argument $a < 0.0"; 0.0 }

Caution: You should never insecurely unwrap an option using the method get.
sqrt(-3.0).get generates a java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get exception.

Option type has few important benefits:

  • The return type None represents absence of returned value or reference, which is safer to process by the client code than a return Null (i.e stray pointers)
  • The Option type allows developers to create their own error handler: case None => f(do whatever you want or need to do)
  • The returned value(s) and error handler are encapsulate into the same entity, Option class.
However, there is no "free lunch" and I was curious to find out whether the benefits of using Option type comes with a performance cost. Let's compare the relative performance of the Option type, exception handling and basic error code on a very simple example.

Note: For the sake of readability of the implementation of algorithms, all non-essential code such as error checking, comments, exception, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers or import is omitted 


I selected the division of double precision floating point values as our simple test. The simple test code, below is compiled and run with Scala 2.10.2 and Java JDK 1.7._45 on 64-bit Windows.

     // Handling divide by zero using error code NaN
def divErrorCode(x : Double, y : Double) : Double =
  if( Math.abs(y) < 1e-10) Double.NaN else x/y

       // Handling divide by zero using Arithmetic Exception
def divException(x : Double, y : Double) : Double = {
  if( Math.abs(y) < 1e-10) 
        throw  new ArithmeticException("Cannot divide by 0")

     // Handling divide by zero using Option[Double] return type
def divOption(x : Double, y : Double) : Option[Double] =
     if( Math.abs(y) < 1e-10) None else Some(x/y)

The source code for the three handling errors follows:

  // Option error handling

  // Exception error handling 
Try ( divException(x,y) ).getOrElse(-1.0)

  // Return value error handling
val result = divErrorCode(x,y)
if( result.isNaN) -1.0 else result

Positive test

The test consists of running each of those local functions through a large number of iteration varying from 2,000,000 to 18,000,000. The graph that summarizes the test is defined below

As expected, the performance of each of those 3 error handling mechanisms degrades linearly according to the number of iterations. Clearly, the option error handling has the best performance and the exception has the highest overhead. incurs the lowest performance while the exception handler is by far the most efficient.

Negative test 

We run the same test with the number of iterations varying from 200,000 to 1,800,000, but with an arithmetic error at each iteration.

The exception handling mechanism has by far the highest overhead. The option monad and the returned error code mechanism have very similar performance.
Performance is only one of the elements to consider when selecting the most appropriate error handling mechanism. However, all things being equal, the overhead generated by repeatedly throwing exception (i.e. lengthy iteration or recursion) should be an incentive to consider alternative solutions

Note: The evaluation of the error handling mechanism has been performed using Scala 2.9. Results may vary in future releases. 


Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Don't Fear the Monad: Scala

Target audience: Advanced
Estimated reading time: 6'

In the initial part of our series on monads, Don't fear the Monad: Theory we explored the fundamental elements of category theory, including functors, monads, and natural transformations. This post now delves into their practical implementation in Scala.

Table of contents
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Note: To enhance the clarity of algorithm implementation, we've omitted non-essential code such as error checks, comments, exceptions, validation of class and method arguments, scoping qualifiers, and imports.


I assume that the reader is familiar with the theory behind Functors & Monads. If not, one of my  older posts, Don't fear the monad: Theory  should provide you with some understanding of those concepts.

In the previous post we introduced a Monad as a structure or triple M = <T,eta,mu> on a category X consists of
  - A map: applicative functor from category X to category Y)   T : X->Y
  - A unit: natural transformation  eta: 1 -> T
  - A join: multiplication or natural transformation mu: T*T -> T

Let's implement these monadic operators in Scala for some collections.

trait Monad[M[_]]  {
   def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): M[X] => M[Y]
   def unit[X](x: X): M[X]
   def join[X](mu: M[M[X]]): M[X] 

The map method implements the natural transformation, phi. The unit method create a target category from an element (i.e. Double -> List[Double]). The join method enforces the mu natural transformation.

Monads and Collections

Let's use the list structure introduced in the post related to the theory of Monads (Don't fear the monad: Theory). 

val monadList = new Monad[List] {
    override def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): List[X] => List[Y]= 
        (xs: List[X]) =>
    override def unit[X](x: X): List[X] = x :: Nil
    override def join[X](xs: List[List[X]]): List[X] = xs.flatten

The class Monad[List] is a wrapper around the List Monad. Therefore it is easy to implement all those 3 methods using the method of scala.collection.immutable.List class:
  • map: build a new list by applying the function f to all elements of the original list: x -> x*x => List(.. x ..) -> List( .. x*x ...) 
  • :: nil: create a single element list 
  •  flatten: Converts this list of lists into a List formed by concatenating the element of all the contained lists.
Let's consider X, Y be the category (or type) Int. The Monad can be applied to list of Integers 

val xs = Int) => n * n)
xs(List(4, 11, 6)).foreach( println ) 
val xss : List[List[Int]] = List( List(3,5,6), List(11,34,12,66))
monadList.join[Int](xss).foreach ( println)

In the example above, the execution of the first foreach method will print '16, 121, 36' while the second foreach invocation generate the sequence '3,5,6,11,34,12,66'.
The same methodology is applied to immutable sequences by implementing the generic Monad trait.

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

class MonadSeq[Y] extends Monad[Seq] { 
    override def map[X,Y](f: X=>Y): Seq[X] => Seq[Y] = 
        (_x: Seq[X]) =>
    override def unit[X](x: X): Seq[X] = Seq[X](x)
    override def join[X](__x: Seq[Seq[X]]): Seq[X] = __x.flatten

The implementation of the monad for immutable sequence is very similar to the monad for immutable lists: the map method relies on the method and the join method flattens a 2-dimensional sequence into a single sequence


The Scala standard libraries uses monads for collections, options and exceptions handling. The standard library uses a slightly different but equivalent methods to implement the three basic functionality of a monad.
  • apply instead of unit
  • flatMap uses the transformation f: T -> M[T] instead of the "flattening" join
trait _Monad[M[_]] {
   def map[T, U](m: M[T])(f: T =>U): M[U] = flatMap(m)((t: T) => apply(f(t)))
   def apply[T](t: T): M[T]
   def flatMap[T, U](m: M[T])(f: T =>M[U]): M[U] 

Let's use the Monad template above, to create a monad for time series. A time series of type TS is defined as a sequence of indexed observations (Obs. An observation has an index (or sequence ordering) and a value of type T.
The monad can be defined as an implicit class.

case class Obs[T](val t: Int, val features: T)
case class TS[T](val data: List[Obs[T]])

implicit class TS2Monad[T](ts: TS[T]) { 
   def apply(t: T): TS[T] = TS[T](List[Obs[T]](Obs[T](0, t)))
   def map[U](f: T => U): TS[U] = 
       TS[U]( => Obs[U](obs.t, f(obs.features))))
   def flatMap[U](f: T =>TS[U]): TS[U] = 
      TS[U]( ( => f(obs.features).data)).flatten)

The monad is ready for transforming time series by applying the implicit conversion of a time series of type TS to its monadic representation.

val obsList = List.tabulate(10)(new Obs(_, Random.nextDouble))
val ts = new TS[Double](obsList)
import _Monad._
val newTs = _*2.0)


Like many other functional languages, Scala embellish the syntax (sugar coated) . The Scala language combines join and unit methods to produce the Monad external shape method map and flatMap method as defined as
def map(f: A => B): M[B] 
def flatMap(f: A => M[B]): M[B]

  • map applies a natural transformation of the content structure
  • flatMap composes the Monad with an operation f to generate another Monad instance of the same type.
The syntax to implement the following sequence of operations of concatenation of 3 arrays can be expressed using the methods map -> flatMap associated with the Scala collections (List, Array, Map...) 

val sum2 = array1 flatMap { x => 
    array2 flatMap { y =>
       array3 map { z => x+y+z } 

or using the for-yield idiom, which is easier to write and understand.

val sum : Array[Int] = for { 
   x <- array1
   y <- array2
   z <- array3
} yield x+y+
